Rabbi's Reflections ~ 28 New Member Families! We celebrate those who have joined or rejoined TBS since December 2023 this Friday night.
We know that synagogue membership is the most important action we can take today to guarantee the survival of American Jewry.
We know that synagogue membership is the way we best honor those upon whose shoulders we stand. Our parents, grandparents, and ancestors who stood steadfast during pograms and persecution so that we might be Jewish today.
We know that synagogue membership is how we support and comfort our fellow Jews in their times of need.
We know that synagogue membership is the way we educate our children and grandchildren to keep the sacred light burning for future generations.
Reading this but not yet a member of TBS? Join us in our sacred mission. Join us today. You belong here.
בשלום Rabbi Susan
Tikvahfund.org offers wonderful Jewish studies courses online, many at no charge. Let me know what you are studying.
TBS Calendar ~ לוּחַ שָׁנָה
Check out our website to view our calendar and discover the wonderful events coming up! View the TBS Calendar
This Week’s Calendar Thurs., Dec. 5 ~ 11:30 Hebrew Practice; 12:00 Great Thoughts; 1:30 Discovering Judaism Fri., Dec. 6 ~ 5:30 Shabbat Service Sat., Dec. 7 ~ 10:00 Shabbat Service Sun., Dec. 8 ~ 9:30 Sunday School; 11:00 Grief Group Tues., Dec. 10 ~ 9:00 Men of TBS at Wildflower; 11:00 Mahjong; 1:00 Crafters; 5:00 Adult Choir (new people welcome!) Wed., Dec. 11 ~ 9:30 Chaverim at Panera; 12:00 Tanach Today Discussion Group
Tuesdays 1:00-2:30 ~ Crafters ~ Bring your yarn, your Diamond Art, your wood working or painting, your crafts of any kind and join us for 90 minutes of good conversation.
Sun., Dec. 15 at 1:00 ~ Adult Ed: Jews in Early Prescott: From the Goldwaters to the La Guardias – Revised and Expanded. Presented by Tom Brodersen. Women's Book Group ~ Wednesdays at 11:00am Wed., Jan. 8 ~ The Jew Store by Stella Suberman (memoir) Wed., Mar. 12 ~ The Only Woman in the Room by Marie Benedict (biography) Wed., May 14 ~ The Weight of Ink by Rachel Kadish (historical fiction)
Israeli Dancing ~ Sundays at 12:00pm Dec. 15
TBS Board Meeting ~ ישיבת דירקטוריון The next Board Meeting is Wednesday, December 18 at 5pm at TBS. Board meetings are open to all members in good standing. If you would like to attend or speak at a board meeting, please contact President Deborah Plotkin by Monday, December 16.
Kabbalatke is Friday, Dec. 27 at 5:30pm TBS's annual Hanukkah/Shabbat Celebration and Latke Potluck
Short Musical Service featuring the Adult Choir, MazelTones, and Children's Choir.
Contact Al Steinberg (uncleal81@gmail.com) if you can help set-up chairs & tables for Kabbalatke on Thurs., Dec. 26 at 3pm.
Special Announcements
Donate to Temple B'rith Shalom by buying your 2025 Mahjongg cards! $14 for a standard and $15 for a large card. Please collect from your group and send a check to Laury Shayne at: 1636 Granite Springs Drive Prescott, AZ 86305
Charitable Giving Dear Congregants: As 2024 draws to a close many of you may be considering your year-end donations. The Temple Finance Committee has developed a charitable giving document that may meet your needs. It explains in detail how to make a qualified charitable donation to Temple B'rith Shalom as a means of reducing a tax obligation. As always, any support is gratefully appreciated and continues our efforts for the many programs Temple B'rith Shalom provides.
Mitzvah Circle ~ מצווה Contact Suzi Abramson-Johnson at 602-570-9688 to participate or to request assistance. Mitzvah circle members send Condolence and Mi Shebeirach cards, offer rides, provide meals, and more. Do what you are comfortable doing to help congregants in need.
Tikkun Olam ~ תיקון עולם
Co-Chairs Amber Caulkins and Allee Steinberg From the Talmud: It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.
Weekly: Compost pickup (no plastic bags) in the bucket by the TBS entrance by 11am Saturday morning. Contact Lee Nackman at roleenack@yahoo.com
Monthly: Prescott Area Shelter Services Dinner. Volunteers cook or purchase their donation and deliver their dishes to the shelter at 5:15pm on the appointed day. Email Annie or call her at (928) 273-5202 before Sunday, December 15. anniebernkrant@gmail.com
Religious School בית ספר דתי Dec 8 Sunday School 9:30-11:45 Educating 27 children!
THE MOB: Men of Brith Shalom Join THE MOB every Tuesday at 9am at the Wildflower to schmooze over a cup of coffee.
Member News ~ חדשות חברים
Temple B'rith Shalom is thrilled to welcome and welcome back our newest members: Lee and Kathy Berman Bob Bernstein
Mazel Tov to all who are celebrating their anniversaries this month: 7 Allee & Al Steinberg 11 Sara and Mike Opitz
Temple B'rith Shalom wishes a very happy birthday in December to:
2 Sally Contour 7 Vadim Vaynerman 8 Thalia Bensmiller 10 Bob Bernstein 11 Emma Melnick
12 Leslie Hollander 13 Briah Thomas 17 Leith Baletin 20 Marla Antelis 22 Rebecca Adler
24 Joe Shrager 26 Jay Balk 27 Bob Merwitzer 31 Marci Golden
Special Prayers ~ תפילות
Kaddish ~ קדיש We are remembering the following people at Shabbat this Friday, December 6. We are observing the Yahrzeits of loved ones who have passed from December 6-12. We also remember those who have left us in the last eleven months. These names have been taken from the member portion of our website. If you do not see your loved one's name (family members) and would like their name mentioned at services, please contact Jessica in the office.
Murray Schutz, uncle of Michael Sperling Stanley Blacker, close friend of Trudy Steinhauer Walter Areinoff, father of Abby Areinoff-Harbicht Dave Contour, husband of Sally Contour Harry Barna, father of Nancy Scharff Bella Vaynerman, mother of Vadim Vaynerman Larry C. Brooks, father of Jeff Brooks Myrtle Dobromil, mother of Gayle Pokorny Betty Ann Frielich-Kleiner, mother of Herb Frielich Diana Couch, relative to Arlene Brownie Janet Crayne, close friend of Barbara Sussman Justin Flaherty, brother of Gerry Flaherty-Tate Marilyn Gilson, mother-in-law of Carol Gilson Howard (Chaim) Sherry, father of Alan Sherry John Yeakley, husband of Marilynne Yeakley Arlene Fultonderg, cousin of Laury Shayne Esther Cohn, mother of Dana Cohn and founding member of TBS Shirley Brohner, founding member of Temple B'rith Shalom Kay Germano, aunt of Phil Johnson Randi Chenkin, cousin of Gail Punyen-Davis Ellen Mechanic Schlossmann, cousin of Suzi Abramson-Johnson David Leon Weiss, son of Sue Robyn Henry David Gellerman, ex-husband of Leslie Gellerman Howard Eugene Herst, father of David Herst, grandfather of Jessica Herst Richard Lilley, brother of James Lilley, uncle of Heather Kaplan Sari Benson, cousin of Brian Schanerman Robert Caulkins, uncle of Josh Caulkins Barbara Fischer Moses, sister-in-law of Janet Rifkin Julie Gardner, sister of Bill Dahlin Estherly Allen, wife of Gene Galazan
Purchasing a Yahrzeit plaque is a beautiful way to honor and remember our loved one's who have passed. To purchase a plaque, please fill out this form and return it to the temple office. We kindly ask for $360 per Yahrzeit plaque. Yahrzeit Plaque Order Form
Healing Thoughts ~ מי שבעירך
Charles Plotkin, Peggy McCauley, Laurie Reiner, Carl Shulak, Gloria Hershman, Jeffrey Snell, Mary Sussman, Sue Weiss, Linda Patent, Leslie Adler, Rachel Coy, Vadim Vaynerman, Mike Wolf, Brett Friend, Amy Snell Kingslinger, Rosario Maya, and Brian Shrager.
If you would like to add or remove your name or your family member's name from the healing list, please call or email the office at 928-708-0018 or office@brithshalom-az.org.
Donations ~ תרומות
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the donations we received in the month of November. We are so grateful and appreciative of your support!
GENERAL FUND: Judie Hale Sharon Novak- In memory of father, Louis Elias Steve and Sue Weiss- In honor of Rabbi Susan Karin Luedke- In memory of Leo Strom and Carol Freeman
HIGH HOLIDAY DONATION: Alan Sherry and Linda Frankel
CHOIR FUND: Jeff and Shari Brooks- in appreciation of Ruth and Steve Stern. In honor of Rabbi Susan’s Birthday. In Honor of Richie Ackerman’s birthday.
A special thank you to those who hosted an Oneg in November: Esther and David Littmann Suzy Curry Amber and Josh Caulkins Richie and Claudia Ackerman Jeff and Shari Brooks
Give Back to TBS! We are so grateful for your kindness and generous giving to Temple B'rith Shalom. Your contributions help Temple B'rith shalom to thrive and ensure a home for Jews in the Quad City area.
If you would like to make a donation now, click here. Did you know you could can give back to TBS at no additional cost to you simply by shopping at Frys? For more information, click here.
Discovering Judaism Thursday, Jan 16th 1:30p to 2:45p Discovering Judaism is an introductory course on Judaism. 1:30-2:45 from October 17 through March 27. Contact Rabbi Susan for the schedule and curriculum. There are books to purchase.