Sponsor an Oneg
Sponsor an Oneg
Sponsoring an oneg is a beautiful way to connect with fellow congregants and welcome in Shabbat together as a community. Our oneg begins at 5:00pm and Shabbat services start at 5:30pm. We are looking for volunteers to sponsor an oneg. Temple B'rith Shalom relies on your ongoing support and help in order to continue having onegs in the future.
The temple will gladly provide the wine, grape juice, and challah for each oneg. We will also provide any paper products and utensils needed. We are also happy to reimburse you for your expenses up to $25 with a receipt of your purchase.
We are looking to serve simple and delicious appetizers at our oneg. Our aim is not to serve a full meal, but rather small bites we can eat while we schmooze.
Here's a list of suggested items to serve:
- Cheese and crackers
- chips with guacamole
- fruit and veggie trays
- cookies or brownie bites
- Hummus and pita
We welcome other delicious ideas, but kindly ask the oneg is Kosher (typically dairy, no meat or shellfish).
Setting-up and Cleaning afterwards
If you are sponsoring an oneg, please arrive early to help set up the oneg tables for service. We recommend coming around 4:45pm to get everything set up. If you would like to come earlier, we will happily accommodate and please call the office at (928) 708-0018 or email to let us know.
After the service concludes, please help to put away the food. The tablecloths will also need to be removed from the tables and folded. Please wash any dirty dishes as we do not have a dishwasher in our kitchen.
We are also grateful for anyone who wishes to financially sponsor an oneg. To make a donation to sponsor an oneg now, please click here.
If you are interested in sponsoring or hosting an oneg, please call 928-708-0018 or email the office.
Wed, February 12 2025
14 Sh'vat 5785
Temple B'rith Shalom wants to hear from you
Please do not hesitate to email or call us at (928) 708-0018 at any time.
Contact Rabbi Susan Schanerman at rabbi@brithshalom-az.org
Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/brithshalomaz
Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/schanermansusan/
Purchase a Leaf on our Temple Tree of Life. Mark a special occasion in a beautiful way.
Form HERE.
Upcoming Events
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 12 , 2025
Wednesday, Feb 12th 9:30a to 11:30a
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 12 , 2025
Wednesday, Feb 12th 11:00a to 12:00p
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 13 , 2025
Thursday, Feb 13th 11:00a to 11:45a
Read (in advance) two short stories each week and join us to discuss. Purchase The Oxford Book of Jewish Stories (available new or used.) 52 stories from famous international and American Jewish authors dating from the 18th century. First session on Jan. 30. A wonderful way to look at Jews and Judaism through the lenses of great Jewish writers. Contact Rabbi Susan to join the group. -
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 13 , 2025
Thursday, Feb 13th 12:00p to 1:00p
Thursdays from 12 to 1. New book begins March 28th Words the Hurt, Words that Heal, by Joseph Telushkin Revised Edition 2019. -
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 13 , 2025
Thursday, Feb 13th 5:00p to 6:00p
Friday ,
FebFebruary 14 , 2025
Friday, Feb 14th 12:30p to 1:00p
Barbara Sussman - Valentines Day Songs and Flowers - Willow Wind Residence. Just show up and you'll be given a song sheet. Bring a few flowers if you can for the residents.
Temple B'rith Shalom
2077 Brohner Way
Prescott, Arizona 86301
(928) 708-0018 office@brithshalom-az.org
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