Rabbi's Reflections ~אֱלוּל Elul, the month preceding the High Holy Days, has arrived. For me, Elul is very spiritual month - a time to gather my thoughts and to reflect on the past year even as I look forward.
Jewels of Elul is a project founded by singer/songwriter Craig Taubman over twenty years ago. Each year, Jewish authors, scholars, musicians, thinkers, and leaders are asked to submit a couple of paragraphs on the year's topic. This year's topic is "If not now, when?"
The goal is to help us all start the process of going inside and rediscovering ourselves during the precious final days of the Jewish year.
I will share some of the Jewels at Shabbat services this month but you can also read them yourself and subscribe to them HERE .
L'shalom, Rabbi Susan
TBS Calendar ~ לוּחַ שָׁנָה
Check out our website to view our calendar and discover the wonderful events coming up! View the TBS Calendar
This Week’s Calendar Thurs., Sept. 5 ~ 11:00 Hebrew Practice; 12:00 Great Thoughts; 1:00-2:00 Weekly Pingpong all levels Fri., Sept. 6 ~ 5:00 Oneg; 5:30 Shabbat Service Sat., Sept. 7 ~ 10:00 Shabbat Service Sun., Sept. 8 ~ 9:30 Sunday School Tues., Sept 10 ~ 11:00 Mahjong; 1:00 Yarn Yentas; 5:00 Choir Wed., Sept 11 ~ 9:30 Chaverim at Panera; 11:00 Women's Book Group; 12:00 Lunch Bunch
Upcoming TBS and Community Events:
Saturday, Sept. 21 at 11:45am ~ High Holiday Challah Workshop led by Allee Steinberg. No charge. Join us in the TBS kitchen as we learn to braid round challot for the holidays. RSVP to Allee at allee2295@aol.com
Sunday, Sept. 22 at 1pm ~ Astrology in Jewish Tradition Adult Ed with Tom Brodersen
Women's Book Group ~ Wednesdays at 11:00am Sept., 11 - A strange Death by Hillel Harkin Nov., 13 - Florence Adler Swims Forever by Rachel Beanland
TBS Board Meeting ~ ישיבת דירקטוריון The next Board Meeting is Wednesday, September 18 at 5pm at TBS. Board meetings are open to all members in good standing. If you would like to attend or speak at a board meeting, please contact President Deborah Plotkin by Monday, September 16.
Special Events ~ מה חדש
TBS WINE TASTING EVENT FUNDRAISER FOR TBS! "An Inspiring Taste of Italy" Private Wine Class at Total Wine in Prescott Sunday Sept 15th 4:00 - 6:00pm
Come sip wine with Rabbi Susan and fellow congregants. Eight Italian wines. $36 per person goes entirely to TBS. Contact Ruth Stern at 805 657-7444 or ruthsstern@msn.com or Jessica or Rabbi Susan to reserve a spot. Cash or Checks made out to Temple B'rith Shalom. From Total Wine: This event is open to all registered attendees without regard to gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status or other legally protected characteristic.
2024 APPEAL TO SUPPORT ALZHEIMER”S WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S Saturday, September 28 GOAL FOR 2024: $3,200 Thanks to congregants, family, and friends supporting Team TBS. Current donations are $5,823, including the anonymous donation of $2,000. Additional donations are welcomed in support of this meaningful event.
Donate to TEAM TBS: Please click on this Link: http://act.alz.org/goto/TeamTBS Options: Donate To The Team, to a Team Member or Join the Team To Join the Team or be eligible for incentives requires you to Register. (No Requirement to Walk) Incentive example: $100 Donors will receive a commemorative Alzheimer’s Walk Tee Shirt).
Contact information: Lee Nackman, Team Captain 928-717-0813 roleenack@yahoo.com Donating by check contact Lee Nackman for the required Form.
Schedule of Services
Selichot ~ Saturday, September 28. Dinner at 5pm, services at 6pm at Temple B'rith Shalom.
Erev Rosh Hashanah Services ~ Wednesday, October 2 at 6pm at Trinity Presbyterian Church. Rosh Hashanah Services ~ Thursday, October 3 at 10am. Children's programming during part of the morning service. Tashlich will follow immediately after Rosh Hashanah services. Location TBA. Kever Avot (Cemetery Service) ~ Sunday, October 4 at 10am at Heritage Memorial Park Cemetery.
Kol Nidre Services ~ Friday, October 11 at 6pm at Trinity Presbyterian Church. Yom Kippur Services~ Saturday, October 12 at Trinity Presbyterian Church. Morning services are at 10am. Children's programming are part of the morning service. Early afternoon programming TBA mid-September. Afternoon services: Mincha, Yizkor, and Ne'ilah begin at 4pm.
A potluck-style break-the-fast meal will take place at the conclusion of Yom Kippur services. This meal is open to anyone who contributes a meal to our potluck. Stay tuned for more information to come.
Trinity Presbyterian Church is located at 630 Park Ave. Prescott, AZ 86303
Selichot Potluck and Service Saturday, Sept. 28 Potluck at 5:00; Service at 6:00
Selichot offers a taste of the High Holy Days. A short service with familiar melodies, prayers, and readings designed to bring us into the High Holy Day season.
Are you unaffiliated and interested in attending Temple B'rith Shalom's High Holiday Services? The Board of Directors, Rabbi Susan Schanerman and Cantorial Soloist, Jessica Dreifuss are happy you have chosen Temple B’rith Shalom for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Temple B’rith Shalom is a small synagogue that supports spirituality and provides a strong Jewish presence in the Quad Cities. Financial support is essential for us to provide High Holiday services and spirituality to our members, our Jewish community and non-members.
The non-member ticket price for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is $125.00 per person per holiday. Children and College students are welcome at no charge. If you decide to become a member at Temple B'rith Shalom by December 31, 2024, the cost of your ticket(s) will be applied to your membership. To reserve your spot and obtain your tickets or for more information on membership, please email or call the office at 928-708-0018. We will be checking tickets at the door.
Source of All: Comfort them, hold them close. They have been called to leave us. To enter Your eternal embrace.
Dear Congregants, Please consider participating in this meaningful act of adding the names of your loved ones into the Temple B’rith Shalom Yizkor booklet. These names imbue the very foundation of our Temple with the love you have for those who have passed. If you would like the names of your loved ones included in this year’s Yizkor Book, please either call Jessica in the office at (928) 708-0018 or fill out this form and return it to the Temple. As is customary, the cost will be $18 per person to have each loved one’s name listed or $180 for as many names as you wish to list. Please return this form by Tuesday, September 24.
May their memories be a blessing. Sincerely, Rabbi Susan Schanerman
Congregational Support ~ עֶזרָה
Mitzvah Circle ~ מצווה Contact Suzi Abramson-Johnson at 602-570-9688 to participate or to request assistance. Mitzvah circle members send Condolence and Mi Shebeirach cards, offer rides, provide meals, and more. Do what you are comfortable doing to help congregants in need.
Tikkun Olam ~ תיקון עולם
Co-Chairs Amber Caulkins and Allee Steinberg From the Talmud: It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.
Next Meeting: Sunday, Sept. 29 at 11:45 in the library.
Our PASS collection ends on Sunday. So far, we have gathered: 2 bulk TP, 2 bulk paper towels, 1 bulk tissues, 1 large box of 33 gallon garbage bags, 1 large box of 13 gallon garbage bags, 1 large Aveeno body lotion, 1 bag sensitive stomach cat food, 4 new pillows 4 pack of toilet bowl cleanser, 3 large kitchen/bath cleanser 2 large launder soap, Gift card for Target, $20 gift card for Target, $20 check to PASS, 19 crocheted beanies, 3 night gowns, 58 pairs of panties, 2 pj sets Weekly: Compost pickup (no plastic bags) in the bucket by the TBS entrance by 11am on Saturdays. roleenack@yahoo.com
Monthly: Prescott Area Shelter Services Dinner. TBS sponsors a meal on the last Sunday of the month. Volunteers cook or purchase their donation. Volunteers deliver their dishes to the shelter at 5:15pm on the appointed day. Email Annie or call her at (928) 273-5202 before Sunday, September 15. anniebernkrant@gmail.com
Monthly: Adopt-A-Street City: We pick up trash on a monthly basis along Gurley Street from Cortez to San Carlos (1 mile). To participate, please contact Lee Nackman. roleenack@yahoo.com
Religious School בית ספר דתי Sept. 8 ~ Sunday School 9:30-11:45 Now serving 25 children!
Wishlist: Amazon Gift Cards to purchase snacks, textbooks, and art supplies for our growing program.
THE MOB: Men of Brith Shalom Join THE MOB every Tuesday at 9am at the Wildflower to schmooze over a cup of coffee.
Yavapai College Intro to Jewish Studies Tues afternoons Oct. 1 - Nov. 12 2-4pm 7 week Community Ed course (no homework) Tuition $135 In person and available on Zoom Contact Instructor Rabbi Nina Perlmutter (928-925-8172) for more info. Flyers available with more info at TBS.
Member News ~ חדשות חברים
Temple B'rith Shalom is thrilled to welcome our newest members: Bill and Cindie Abrahams Lauren Van Drome and Family Corinne Belsky, Mitch and Jordana Oppenheim
Mazel Tov to all who are celebrating their anniversaries this month: 4 Jim & Mindy Rubin 6 Deborah & Michael Charlap 6 Suzi Abramson-Johnson & Phil Johnson 15 Karin & Rodney Luedke 22 Diane and Joe Shrager 27 David Hess & Pam Jones
Temple B'rith Shalom wishes a very happy birthday in September to:
Kaddish ~ קדיש We are saying Kaddish for the following people at Shabbat this Friday, September 6. We are observing the Yahrzeits of loved ones who have passed from September 6-12. We also remember those who have left us in the last eleven months. These names have been taken from the member portion of our website. If you do not see your loved one's name (family members) and would like their name mentioned at services, please contact Jessica in the office.
Shirley Brohner, founding member of Temple B'rith Shalom. Condolences to the Brohner family.
Max Grossman, grandfather of Wayne Grossman Mary Weingart, mother of Brian Weingart Beth Osgrove, wife of Si Osgrove Mariloo Hart Coy, great grandmother of Rachel Coy Ida Nackman, mother of Lee Nackman Shirley Miller, aunt of Arlene Brownie Kay Germano, aunt of Phil Johnson Randi Chenkin, cousin of Gail Punyen-Davis Ellen Mechanic Schlossmann, cousin of Suzi Abramson-Johnson David Leon Weiss, son of Sue Robyn Henry David Gellerman, ex-husband of Leslie Gellerman Howard Eugene Herst, father of David Herst, grandfather of Jessica Herst Richard Lilley, brother of James Lilley, uncle of Heather Kaplan Sari Benson, cousin of Brian Schanerman Robert Caulkins, uncle of Josh Caulkins Barbara Fischer Moses, sister-in-law of Janet Rifkin Julie Gardner, sister of Bill Dahlin Estherly Allen, wife of Gene Galazan Mara Hollon, mother of Jessica Herst
Purchasing a Yahrzeit plaque is a beautiful way to honor and remember our loved one's who have passed. To purchase a plaque, please fill out this form and return it to the temple office. We kindly ask for $360 per Yahrzeit plaque. Yahrzeit Plaque Order Form
Healing Thoughts ~ מי שבעירך
Jeffrey Snell, Mary Sussman, Cindie Abrahams, Mark Gray, Karyn Friend, Sue Weiss, Linda Patent, Leslie Adler, Janet Crayne, Carol Gilson, Rachel Coy, Vadim Vaynerman, Richard Jacobs, Mike Wolf, Brett Friend, Amy Snell Kingslinger, Rosario Maya, and Brian Shrager.
If you would like to add or remove your name or your family member's name from the healing list, please call or email the office at 928-708-0018 or office@brithshalom-az.org.
Donations ~ תרומות
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the donations we received in the month of August. We are so grateful and appreciative of your support!
GENERAL FUND: Roza Rosenberg- In memory of husband, Allen M Rosenberg Jeff and Claudia Mallace- In honor of Judy and Walter Mallace Lloyd and Susan Zane- In memory of Susan’s beloved father, Sam Wallen. Susan Dermer Dov Baer Kravitz- In memory of father, Moshe Kalman Kravitz Linda McPherson- In memory of father, Donald David Stern Janet Rifkin- Wishing a very happy birthday to Shirley Goldstein and Roza Rosenberg Wendy Gallagher- In honor of Linda McPherson’s love of Judaism and her 75th birthday celebration. Roza Rosenberg- In celebration of Rabbi Susan Annie Bernkrant- In honor of Rabbi Susan Leah Gilbert- In honor of Rabbi Susan Belle and Bob Merwitzer- In memory of mother, Ruth Wilinsky Al and Allee Steinberg- In honor of Rabbi Susan Dot and John Jones- In honor of Rabbi Susan Janice Reed Suzy Curry- In honor of Rabbi Susan Suzi Abramson-Johnson and Phil Johnson- In honor of Rabbi Susan Deb and Jeff Plotkin- In honor of Rabbi Susan Rabbi Nina Perlmutter and Tom Brodersen- In honor of Rabbi Susan Shirley Goldstein- In honor of Roza’s birthday Suzanne Solvet- In honor of Rabbi Susan Lee and Roberta Nackman- In honor of Rabbi Susan Anonymous- In appreciation of Suzy Curry for giving us the opportunity to be creative. It was fun!
BROHNER RELIGIOUS SCHOOL EDUCATION FUND: Lee and Roberta Nackman- In memory of Lee’s brother, Edwin Nackman Jay and Karen Bycer- In honor of Rabbi Susan Laurie and Tom Reiner- In honor of Rabbi Susan
RABBI DISCRETIONARY FUND: Jim and Mindy Rubin- In memory of Simon and Mary Zipper Linda McPherson- In honor and appreciation of Rabbi Susan Janet Rifkin- In celebration of Rabbi Susan’s leadership at Temple B’rith Shalom Jim and Mindy Rubin- In appreciation of Rabbi Susan Shari and Jeff Brooks- In honor and in appreciation of Rabbi Susan Andrew and Karen Hertzfeld- Thank you for being a welcoming community! Pastor Jay and First Congregational Church- In honor of Rabbi Susan. We appreciate you! Leslie and Rich Adler- In appreciation of Rabbi Susan Richard and Claudia Ackerman- In honor of Rabbi Susan Carl Shulak- In honor of Rabbi Susan Paul and Harriett Finger- In honor of Rabbi Susan Bob and Belle Merwitzer- In honor of Rabbi Susan’s 2nd Anniversary at TBS Jeff and Shari Brooks- In appreciation of Leah Gilbert for her outstanding presentation on Crypto Jews. In appreciation of Esther Littmann and Laurie Reiner for their excellent presentation at Sharlot Hall. In honor of Esther Littmann and Steve Stern’s birthdays.
A special thank you to those who hosted an Oneg in August: Liora Bensmiller Bard Schatzman & Linda Mast Jay and Karen Bycer Ruth and Steve Stern Laurie and Tom Reiner
Give Back to TBS! We are so grateful for your kindness and generous giving to Temple B'rith Shalom. Your contributions help Temple B'rith shalom to thrive and ensure a home for Jews in the Quad City area.
If you would like to make a donation now, click here. Did you know you could can give back to TBS at no additional cost to you simply by shopping at Frys? For more information, click here.
Discovering Judaism Thursday, Jan 16th 1:30p to 2:45p Discovering Judaism is an introductory course on Judaism. 1:30-2:45 from October 17 through March 27. Contact Rabbi Susan for the schedule and curriculum. There are books to purchase.