Rabbi Nina Perlmutter is the director of The Chevra Kadisha of Northern Arizona. Since 2004, she and her team have served many Jewish families at one of the most sensitive and meaningful moments in the cycle of life.
A Chevra Kadisha team performs tahara (washing of the body) and shomrim (guarding of the body) for those who are newly deceased.
They chant and recite special prayers and offer delicate and gentle ritual washing. Team members gather at a mortuary to provide tahara. Families are grateful.
Shomrim stay with the body for a period of time and recite psalms or prayers or read inspiring Jewish texts.
Chevra Kadisha is called the greatest mitzvah because the recipient can never return the favor. Indeed, those who perform tahara and shomrim are emotionally and spiritually touched in ways that are often unexpressible.
Those of us who attended Rabbi Nina's program on Sunday are all interested in experiencing this type of sacred giving.
If you missed the presentation, Rabbi Nina would be pleased to be in touch with you.
Rabbi Nina Perlmutter - levchadash18@gmail.com or (928) 925-8172
L'shalom, Rabbi Susan
TBS Calendar ~ לוּחַ שָׁנָה
Check out our website to view our calendar and discover the wonderful events coming up! View the TBS Calendar
This Week’s Calendar Thurs., May 16 ~ 12:00 Great Thoughts Book Discussion Fri., May 17 ~ 5:00 Oneg, 5:30 Shabbat Service Sat., May 18 ~ 10:00 Torah Study Sun., May 19 ~ 12:15 Tikkun Olam Meeting; 2:00 NAU Klezmer Orkestra (see below) Mon., May 20 ~ 1:00 Israel Event at The Finn (See below); 4:30pm Folk Song Sing Along Tues., May 21 ~ 9:00 MOB at Wildflower; 11:00 Hebrew Practice; 11:00 Mahjong; 1:00 Yarn Yentas; 5:00 Choir Wed., May 22 ~ 10:00 Chaverim at Panera; 12:00 Lunch Bunch
Upcoming TBS and Community Events:
Fressers Dinner Wed., May 29 ~ 5:30 at Gabby's Grill.
Shavuot Tues. eve June 11 ~ If you would like to offer a 30 minute teaching session, email or speak to Rabbi Susan.
Grief Group Meetings (new participants welcome) ~ Sundays at 9:00am on June 9, July 7, August 4
Israeli Dancing with Shira ~ Sundays at 11:30 June 9, July 7, August 11
Adult Ed with Rabbi Nina and Tom Brodersen ~ Sundays at 1:00 June 16 ~ Tom Brodersen: Kabbalah in America July 14 ~ Rabbi Nina: TBA
Women's Book Group ~ Wednesdays at 11:00am July 10 - Irena’s Children by Tilar J. Mazzeo Sept., 11 - A strange Death by Hillel Harkin Nov., 13 - Florence Adler Swims Forever by Rachel Beanland TBS Board Meeting ~ ישיבת דירקטוריון The next regular Board Meeting is Wednesday, June 5 at 2pm at TBS. Board meetings are open to all members in good standing. If you would like to attend or speak at a board meeting, please contact President Deborah Plotkin by Monday, June 3.
Adult Education ~ חינוך למבוגרים No charge for members
NAU Klezmer Orkestra TBS Fundraiser Sunday, May 19 ~ 2-3pm TBS Sanctuary Donations to TBS Encouraged
Fressers Dinner at Gabby's Grill Wed., May 29 at 5:30pm. RSVP by May 27 to Shari Brooks at shari@jbrookswa.com
TBS May Hike ~ Sun., May 26 at 10:00am Led by Suzanne Solvet
Meet at the Highland Center parking lot - 2 miles south of Costco on Walker Road, left side of the road. We’ll be hiking south on trail 305 for approximately 2 miles before turning around to return the same way. This area is very green with lots of trees and a few small hills.
Summer Film Series at TBS We'll provide the popcorn ~ You bring the laughter. Sundays at 1:00pm
June 9 You are so not invited to my bat mitzvah ~ 2023 PG13 Stacy and Lydia are BFFs who've always dreamed about having epic Bat Mitzvahs. However, things start to go comically awry when a popular boy and middle school drama threatens their friendship and their rite of passage.
July 7 Brighton Beach Memoirs - 1986 PG13 Sex and baseball are the main things on a teenager's mind in Neil Simon's nostalgic look back at 1930s Brooklyn in this witty comedy.
August 4 Biloxi Blues - 1988 PG13 A young army recruit from NYC undergoes basic training in Mississippi in the film adaptation of Neil Simon's comic play.
Congregational Support ~ עֶזרָה
Mitzvah Circle ~ מצווה Contact Suzi Abramson-Johnson at 602-570-9688 to participate or to request assistance. Mitzvah circle members send Condolence and Mi Shebeirach cards, visit folks in the hospital, and more. Do what you are comfortable doing to help congregants in need.
Social Action ~ תיקון עולם
Drop off your compost material (no plastic bags) in a bucket by the front door at TBS by 11AM on Saturdays and it will be taken to the Prescott Farmer’s Market. Questions or concerns? Contact Lee Nackman 928-717-0813.
Our Tikkun Olam Committee (Repairing the world) will meet on Sun., May 19 at 12:15. Please join us to plan our next year's social action activiites and programs.
Religious School בית ספר דתי Summer Hebrew Classes - contact Rabbi Susan for dates August 25 ~ Sunday School 9:30-11:45 Registration packets available in the lobby.
THE MOB: Men of Brith Shalom Join THE MOB every Tuesday at 9am at the Wildflower to schmooze over a cup of coffee.
Member News ~ חדשות חברים
Kaddish ~ קדיש We are saying Kaddish for the following people at Shabbat this Friday, May 17. We are observing the Yahrzeits of loved ones who have passed from May 17-23. We also remember those who have left us in the last eleven months. These names have been taken from the member portion of our website. If you do not see your loved one's name (family members) and would like their name mentioned at services, please contact Jessica in the office. Percy Kaufman, father of Trudy Steinhauer Linda Herst, mother of David Herst, grandmother of Jessica Herst Regina Hess, grandmother of David Hess Lucy Menn, mother of Laura Menn Helene Zive, sister of Roberta Nackman Raymond Gray, relative of Mark Gray Agnes Banen, mother of Leah Gilbert Richard Lilley, brother of James Lilley, uncle of Heather Kaplan Sari Benson, cousin of Brian Schanerman Robert Caulkins, uncle of Josh Caulkins Barbara Fischer Moses, sister-in-law of Janet Rifkin Julie Gardner, sister of Bill Dahlin Estherly Allen, wife of Gene Galazan Mara Hollon, mother of Jessica Herst Judith McIntyre, wife of William McIntyre Howard Zeimer, friend of Michael Sperling Michael Friend, brother-in-law of Laurie Reiner James Miller, uncle of Arlene Brownie
Purchasing a Yahrzeit plaque is a beautiful way to honor and remember our loved one's who have passed. To purchase a plaque, please fill out this form and return it to the temple office. We kindly ask for $360 per Yahrzeit plaque. Yahrzeit Plaque Order Form
Healing Thoughts ~ מי שבעירך Alexandra Paeff, Karyn Friend, Blanche Berkowitz-Jacobs, Carol Gilson, Rachel Coy, Arlene Brownie, Vadim Vaynerman, Richard Jacobs, Mike Wolf, Brett Friend, Amy Snell Kingslinger, Rosario Maya, and Brian Shrager. If you would like to add or remove your name or your family member's name from the healing list, please call or email the office at 928-708-0018 or office@brithshalom-az.org.
Donations ~ תרומות
Give Back to TBS! We are so grateful for your kindness and generous giving to Temple B'rith Shalom. Your contributions help Temple B'rith shalom to thrive and ensure a home for Jews in the Quad City area.
If you would like to make a donation now, click here. Did you know you could can give back to TBS at no additional cost to you simply by shopping at Frys? For more information, click here.
Jewish Short Story Group Thursday, Feb 13th 11:00a to 11:45a Read (in advance) two short stories each week and join us to discuss. Purchase The Oxford Book of Jewish Stories (available new or used.) 52 stories from famous international and American Jewish authors dating from the 18th century. First session on Jan. 30. A wonderful way to look at Jews and Judaism through the lenses of great Jewish writers. Contact Rabbi Susan to join the group.
Great Thoughts Book Discussion Group Thursday, Feb 13th 12:00p to 1:00p Thursdays from 12 to 1. New book begins March 28th
Words the Hurt, Words that Heal, by Joseph Telushkin Revised Edition 2019.
Women of TBS Event Friday, Feb 14th 12:30p to 1:00p Barbara Sussman - Valentines Day Songs and Flowers - Willow Wind Residence. Just show up and you'll be given a song sheet. Bring a few flowers if you can for the residents.