Rabbi's Reflections ~ יוֹם הַשּׁוֹאָה Twenty-five years ago, when I first began attending Yom HaShoah programs, rooms and auditoriums were filled with those who believed that showing up to remember the victims of the Holocaust was vital to the Jewish spirit.
Nowadays, the rooms are emptier, the survivors are mostly gone, and younger generations do not feel the same urgency to remember.
I understand this, but I am saddened to think that our memories of the six million might one day be put aside.
Let this not happen in our congregation. Let us speak with our presence this Sunday from 1:00-3:00. Let us fill the sanctuary with our prayers and our souls so that future generations will never, ever forget.
The victims deserve at least that.
Our Yom HaShoah service is appropriate for children 14 and older.
L'shalom, Rabbi Susan
If you attend religious services (Shabbat or other) at least twice/month and would like to serve on the Rabbi's Advisory Ritual Committee to offer advice as needed, please email Rabbi Susan.
Would you like to serve on the TBS Board of Directors? Contact Suzi Abramson-Johnson for information. suziaj@gmail.com
Support Israel on Friday, May 3 from 4:45-5:30! ~ The Tzedakah Collective ~ Our Religious School students (ages 5-17) are creating displays for non-profits in Israel that need our support. They will explain to you the mission of each organization in hopes that you will donate to their causes. We will have dollar bills to change for larger bills as needed.
Yom HaShoah ~ יום השואה Holocaust Remembrance Day Sunday, May 5 at 1:00pm 1:00-2:00 Violins of Hope: Strings of the Holocaust Documentary about efforts to restore violins recovered from the Holocaust. Beautiful stories from survivors. 2:00-3:00 Program featuring music and poetry Speaker: Esther Littmann
TBS Calendar ~ לוּחַ שָׁנָה
Check out our website to view our calendar and discover the wonderful events coming up! View the TBS Calendar
This Week’s Calendar Thurs., May 2 ~ 12:00 Great Thoughts Book Discussion; 5:00 Choir Fri., May 3 ~ 5:00 Oneg, 5:30 Shabbat Service Sat., May 4 ~ 10:00 Torah Study Sun., May 5 ~ 9:30 Sunday School; 11:00 Grief Group; 1:00 Yom HaShoah Tues., May 7 ~ 9:00 MOB at Wildflower; 11:00 Hebrew Practice; 11:00 Mahjong; 1:00 Yarn Yentas Wed., May 8 ~ 10:00 Chaverim at Panera; 11:00 Women's Book Group; 12:00 Lunch Bunch
Upcoming TBS and Community Events: 10:30-12:00 Tues., Wed., Thurs. Weekly ping pong at TBS
Sun., May 12 ~ 1:00 ~ Rabbi Nina ~ Psalms and David
Sun., May 12 ~ 2:30 ~ Chevra Kadisha Training with Rabbi Nina (see more info below.) This information & training session is for the curious and for those already wanting to join our local team.
Tues., May 14 ~ 1:00 ~ Exodus Film in honor of Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel Independence Day)
Sun., May 19 ~ 2:00 ~ NAU Klezmer Band Concert at TBS! Donations appreciated at the door.
Mon., May 20 ~ 1:00-3:00 ~ Free educational event open to Quad City residents who want to learn more about Israel. Speaker Rebecca Fine from StandWithUs. At Touchmark in the Mingus Room. Sponsored by Arizona Supports Israel (a nonpartisan, Prescott group). For more info, text 408-314-1840.
Wed., May 29 ~ 5:30 Fressers Dinner at Gabby's Grill.
Tues. eve June 11 ~ Shavuot - Details coming soon.
Sat., June 15 ~ 12:30-3:00 ~ Winey Cat winery ~ Details coming soon. TBS Board Meeting ~ ישיבת דירקטוריון The next regular Board Meeting is Wednesday, May 15 at 2pm at TBS. Board meetings are open to all members in good standing. If you would like to attend or speak at a board meeting, please contact President Deborah Plotkin by Monday, May 13.
Adult Education ~ חינוך למבוגרים No charge for members
Fressers Dinner at Gabby's Grill Wed., May 29 at 5:30pm. RSVP by May 27 to Shari Brooks at shari@jbrookswa.com
TBS May Hike ~ Sun., May 26 at 10:00am Led by Suzanne Solvet / Location TBA
Chevra Kadisha of Northern Arizonainformational and training session. Tahara is the ancient “purification” ceremony to prepare the deceased. It’s called the highest mitzvah. And we’ll discuss being a Shomer—sitting with the deceased while reading Psalms & other texts. For those interested, we’ll end with a Tahara training session. Attending does not commit you to signing up!
Sunday, May 12 2:30pm Temple B’rith Shalom For more information, call Rabbi Nina Perlmutter 928-925-8172
Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth by Noa Tishby Sat., June 8, 15, 22, 29 from 9:00-9:45am Repeat Class Contact Rabbi Susan to sign up. Purchase the book and join us. Outside reading required.
Congregational Support ~ עֶזרָה
Mitzvah Circle ~ מצווה Contact Suzi Abramson-Johnson at 602-570-9688 to participate or to request assistance. Mitzvah circle members send Condolence and Mi Shebeirach cards, visit folks in the hospital, and more. Do what you are comfortable doing to help congregants in need.
Social Action ~ תיקון עולם
Drop off your compost material (no plastic bags) in a bucket by the front door at TBS by 11AM on Saturdays and it will be taken to the Prescott Farmer’s Market. Questions or concerns? Contact Lee Nackman 928-717-0813.
Our Tikkun Olam Committee (Repairing the world) will meet on Sun., May 19 at 12:15. Please join us to plan our next year's social action activiites and programs.
TBS Compassionate Cooks TBS sponsors a meal on the last Sunday of the month for the women and children's shelter in Prescott. Volunteers cook or purchase their donation. Volunteers deliver their dishes to the shelter at 5:15pm on the appointed day. Email Annie at anniebernkrant@hotmail.com or call her at (928) 273-5202 before Sunday, May 12.
2024 WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S Saturday, September 28 GOAL FOR 2024: $2,200
Since 2019 Temple B’rith Shalom congregants, friends and families have supported the “Walk” as Team TBS. Whether you choose to Walk or just support this worthwhile event with your donation, please join us. Money raised by the “Walk” will be used in Northern Arizona for patients, caregiver support programs, education and national research.
Donate to TEAM TBS: Please click on this Link: http://act.alz.org/goto/TeamTBS Options: Donate To The Team, Join the Team or be a Team Member. To Join the Team or be eligible for incentives requires you to Register. You are not required to walk. There are incentives available to those who Register (example $100 Donors will receive a commemorative Alzheimer’s Walk Tee Shirt).
Contact information: Lee Nackman, Team Captain 928-717-0813 roleenack@yahoo.com There is a Form to be used should you choose to Donate by Check. For this Form or any other information please contact Lee Nackman
Religious School בית ספר דתי
May 5 ~ Sunday School 9:30-11:45 Last day of the school year!
THE MOB: Men of Brith Shalom Join THE MOB every Tuesday at 9am at the Wildflower to schmooze over a cup of coffee.
Member News ~ חדשות חברים
Temple B'rith Shalom is thrilled to welcome our newest member: Karen Bergman
Mazel Tov to all who are celebrating their anniversaries this month: 3 Leith & Judy Baletin 5 Wayne & Shirley Grossman 6 Remi & Jessica Dreifuss 7 Esther & David Littmann 23 Rob & Wendy Ratner 24 John & Dot Jones
Temple B'rith Shalom wishes a very happy birthday in May to:
1 Sue Weiss 1 Sue Robyn 7 Michael Sperling 7 Janet Rifkin 8 Brian Schanerman 9 Everett Melnick 11 Nancy Quitney 14 Lloyd Zane 16 Mark Farber
19 Leah Gilbert 21 Herb Frielich 24 Helen Schwartzman 26 Mike Wolf 27 Lee Nackman 27 Rob Ratner 28 Mindy Rubin 28 Esther Basch 28 Olive Melnick
Kaddish ~ קדיש We are saying Kaddish for the following people at Shabbat this Friday, May 3. We are observing the Yahrzeits of loved ones who have passed from May 3-9. We also remember those who have left us in the last eleven months. These names have been taken from the member portion of our website. If you do not see your loved one's name (family members) and would like their name mentioned at services, please contact Jessica in the office.
Robert Caulkins, uncle of Josh Caulkins. Condolences to the Caulkins family. Sari Benson, cousin of Brian Schanerman. Condolences to the Schanerman family.
Doris Helprin Silver, mother of Claudia Ackerman Abe Guberman, father of Karen Bycer Evelyn Scharff, mother of Mark Scharff Murray Jacobs, father of Richard Jacobs Abraham Nackman, father of Lee Nackman Bertha Appel Barton, grandmother of Wayne Grossman Libby Barna, mother of Nancy Scharff David Shonholtz, father of Carol Gilson Arthur Freeman, relative of Roza Rosenberg Asher Grossman, uncle of Wayne Grossman Barbara Fischer Moses, sister-in-law of Janet Rifkin Julie Gardner, sister of Bill Dahlin Estherly Allen, wife of Gene Galazan Mara Hollon, mother of Jessica Herst Judith McIntyre, wife of William McIntyre Howard Zeimer, friend of Michael Sperling Michael Friend, brother-in-law of Laurie Reiner James Miller, uncle of Arlene Brownie
Purchasing a Yahrzeit plaque is a beautiful way to honor and remember our loved one's who have passed. To purchase a plaque, please fill out this form and return it to the temple office. We kindly ask for $360 per Yahrzeit plaque. Yahrzeit Plaque Order Form
Healing Thoughts ~ מי שבעירך Karyn Friend, Sue Weiss, Blanche Berkowitz-Jaocbs, Jessica Dreifuss, Carol Gilson, Rachel Coy, Arlene Brownie, Vadim Vaynerman, Richard Jacobs, Mike Wolf, Brett Friend, Amy Snell Kingslinger, Rosario Maya, and Brian Shrager. If you would like to add or remove your name or your family member's name from the healing list, please call or email the office at 928-708-0018 or office@brithshalom-az.org.
Donations ~ תרומות
We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for the donations we received in the month of April. We are so grateful and appreciative of your support!
GENERAL FUND: Janet Rifkin- in memory of Barbara Fisher Moses and Dena Rifkin Goldstein Steve and Sue Weiss- in honor of our friend, Douglas Steinhauer’s Yahrzeit Lloyd and Susan Zane- in memory of Lloyd’s father, Ervin Zane Mark and Lisa Drutz Rabbi Susan and Brian Schanerman Steve and Sue Weiss- in honor of the B’not Mitzvah of Jessica Herst and Jackie Herst Robin and Herb Frielich Esther and David Littmann- In honor of the B’not Mitzvah of Jackie Herst and Jessica Herst Leah Gilbert- in honor of Rolene Attias’s 90th birthday Bill Kram- in memory of Mother, Ruth Kram
RABBI DISCRETIONARY FUND: Roza Rosenberg- in memory of her loving father, Jack Szajman Mindy Rubin- in memory of Mort Ciment Lee and Roberta Nackman- in celebration of the B’not Mitzvah of Jessica Herst and Jackie Herst Linda Patent- In appreciation of Rabbi Susan Carl Shulak Suzanne Solvet- In honor of Rolene Attias’s 90th Birthday
BUILDING FUND: Laurie and Tom Reiner- In honor of the B'not Mitzvah of Jackie Herst and Jessica Herst.
A special thank you to those who hosted an Oneg in April: Bruce and Elyce Goldberg Esther and David Littmann Suzanne Solvet and Leah Gilbert Trudy Steinhauer and Deborah Plotkin
Give Back to TBS! We are so grateful for your kindness and generous giving to Temple B'rith Shalom. Your contributions help Temple B'rith shalom to thrive and ensure a home for Jews in the Quad City area.
If you would like to make a donation now, click here. Did you know you could can give back to TBS at no additional cost to you simply by shopping at Frys? For more information, click here.
Great Thoughts Book Discussion Group Thursday, Dec 5th 12:00p to 1:00p Thursdays from 12 to 1. New book begins March 28th
Words the Hurt, Words that Heal, by Joseph Telushkin Revised Edition 2019.
Discovering Judaism Thursday, Dec 5th 1:30p to 2:45p Discovering Judaism is an introductory course on Judaism. 1:30-2:45 from October 17 through March 27. Contact Rabbi Susan for the schedule and curriculum. There are books to purchase.